Who is Richardson Seating's favorite Client
We love all of our clients of course. Chamberlain Marketing has always been way up there with Helm and Halo. The true favorite customer was Grateful Dead Merchandising. After years and years of calling on the Grateful Dead I got them to do a Steal Your Face Bar Stool. I was done through Warner Brothers and Rhino records. We didn't sell that many but it was fun. We got to do a special anniversary one for the 50th anniversary shows. It wasn't officially part of Fare Thee Well, but it was an official Rhino Warner brothers item and sold on Dead.net. There is still a remnant on the page where the bar stool used to be featured. Hopefully one day they will let us make some more for them. I mean they are making shoes with Nike an selling clothing at Target, they might as well do some more bar stools.