Remember coupons? They still exist. You can cut them out of the newspaper and use them to save money when you go to a physical store. But what about online? How do retailers use coupons in the online world?
One of the most common ways is by using what is referred to as a coupon code. Most web shopping systems like Shopify and Bigcommerce have an option to allow a customer to type a word at the checkout into a coupon box. Shopify allows you to offer discounts that is a percentage off and a fixed amount off. I believe you can also allow things like buy one and get one free but I have not set that up before.
Coupon codes are usually simple like save10percent but in theory they could be more complicated and user specific. Save10percent024992949 where each coupon has a unique code. This can manually be setup in Shopify so I assume it can be setup with an app to do it automatically.
Whenever I am about to checkout at a store online and I see the option for a coupon I usually try to do a quick Google search and see if I can find one. It usually doesnn't work. You get stuck in a loop of coupon related websites that show outdated coupons to try and get you to click on their links. I am not aware of a single site that shows up to date codes. Perhaps that has changed and if it has, please send us an email.
Many websites when you first go there will offer a popup that allows you to give your email address in exchange for a 10 or 15 percent off coupon. Sometimes the code comes to you via email but typically it is just the next image shown after you enter your email or your phone number.
In the future, coupon codes will probably be user specific and when you watch Roku or another streaming device you will be able to use their app on your phone to explore and make a purchase tied in with what you are watching online. There will be coupons and other types of discounts and offers that will be targeted exactly towards you.
While the days of tracking you on the Internet might be ending, the days of tracking your television habits by the minute are just starting to be created.